Dumpling making technologies

Automatic dumpling machine AP series produced by SIGNAL-PACK is an innovative machine that has no analogues on the market because it uses unique product molding method that was invented and patented in Russia.
At the moment there are three main technologies used for the equipment producing stuffed pasta: extrusion, cutting-out and unique molding technology used by our machines.
Under high pressure the dough is pushed through the ring channel by a screw getting the shape of a tube that gets filled with stuffing. Then molding drums of various configurations perform stuffed pasta molding by compressing the tube with stuffing. <br>
<b>Disadvantages of this method are the following:<br>
<li>excessive dough thickening due to the pressure of the screw;</li>
the dough warms up when it goes through the extruder nozzle making the egg white coagulate and lose its healthy properties.</li>
As a result, we obtain a product with a thick dough layer (thickness more than 1mm), little stuffing, tough structure and “hard pasta taste”. .<br>
Pre-rolled dough sheet goes through the cutting and sealing device. Dough off-cuts in the form of a net are then returned to the dough. When using this technology, the dough does not warm up and the egg white is preserved, however the machine design requires hard wheat flour dough with low moisture content for the dough not to stick to the machine and the dough off-cuts to be removed easily. <br>
<b>Disadvantages of this method are the following:<br>
<li>necessity of using hard wheat flour to prepare dough;</li>
necessity of having dough with low moisture content (it has to be dry);</li>
<li>impossibility of obtaining thin dough.</li>
All these factors result in a product made of tough dough with a «hard pasta taste».<br>
<h3>3. MOLDING</h3>
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The SIGNAL-PACK company offers a fundamentally new way of stuffed pasta molding used in its AP series stuffed pasta-machines that allows: <br>
<li>Work with any type of dough of any moisture content and formula;</li>
Make the dough layer as thin as needed (no limits);</li>
Use any kinds of fillings - from meat with natural fat (when boiling it releases pleasant aromas that are the main secret to a great flavor) to vegetables and fruits;</li>
Get the dough-to-stuffing ratio you want.</li>
All the possibilities indicated above can be implemented by a simple and reliable design of the AP series machines. More than 500 machines are already operating successfully in Russia and many other countries (Canada, Germany, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.).
The main idea of the machines design is that the dough rolling and product molding processes are performed in one compact mechanism consisting of four polished rollers that are used to obtain two dough stripes, and two molding drums that have shaped notches.<br>
The drums are located very close to each other making the dough off-cuts “flow” into the molding notches and go into the product during the molding process, thus there are no dough off-cuts in the form of a net left so, dough of any softness can be used.
Another advantage of this technology is its flexibility to change product shape. To switch to another type of product you only need to put a different set of molding drums.
The dough gets soft and tender; it is made from a wheat flour with more than 30% of gluten; its moisture content is selected in such a way as to obtain the best flavor characteristics.
This method also provides exceptionally firm sealing of the stuffing between the dough layers. As a result, the juice remains inside the stuffed pasta during boiling making it even tastier.
The SIGNAL-PACK machines allow production of tasty and nutritious products with an unlimited number of recipes and a wide range of price categories.